Climate change action and job security
New polling by the AMWU shows workers’ support for climate change action depends on government support to create new jobs....
Truckies to strike over lack of rest
Truckers claim the 70% of them won’t be driving on Monday. The issue is new regulations which force them to......
How will the emissions tax affect low income earners?
The Government plans to have a emission tax scheme in place by 2010 that could add up to sixteen per-cent......
Harassment in the NSW ambulance a serious problem
An inquiry investigating the claims of abuse has received more than 200 submissions from officers- most of them anonymous for......
Fair Pay or Not Fair Pay?
This week the Fair Pay Commission handed down it’s decision to increase the wages of our lowest paid workers by......
Why is South Australia running out of teachers?
With a teaching strike coming up later this month, the issue of why there is a shortage of teachers in......
Mayday – and where has the 8-hour day gone?
Maydat celebrates the fight for workers to be able to limit their working hours to 8 each day. ACTU President......
Angry cabbies demand safer conditions
Traffic came to a standstill in Melbourne’s city centre this morning, as hundreds of taxi drivers demanded increased security. The......
Centres supporting working women threatened with closure
Kevin Rudd’s commitment to increase childcare assistance in the May budget will be welcomed by many working mothers. At the......
Stolen Wages
The Queensland Government recently announced that the remaining 25-million-dollars in stolen Indigenous wages would be used to establish an Education......