Trade Unions
Stolen wages protests mark Labour Day in Queensland
Premier Anna Bligh led her first Labour Day march through Brisbane today. The theme of the march was “Your Rights......
Mayday – and where has the 8-hour day gone?
Maydat celebrates the fight for workers to be able to limit their working hours to 8 each day. ACTU President......
Australian people soon to have their say on Maternity leave
In an historic move, the Australian Industry group and the ACTU have joined forces with the Human Rights and Equal......
Nurses threaten to leave remote island communities
Registered nurses in Queensland’s remote Torres Strait Island communities are threatening to leave their posts by Friday and operate a......
NSW protests over proposed privatisation of electricity
Thousands of protestors, including 15 State Labor MPs, gathered on the steps of NSW Parliament today, protesting the proposed privatisation......
Mine safety compromised by Workchoices: AWU
The collapse early this morning of a Gold mine in Ballarat evoked memories of the Beaconsfield mine disaster that killed......
Unions attempt to shake off bully-boy image
Trade unions have firmly embedded themselves into this year’s election with an unprecedented advertising campaign that aims to discredit the......
Union takes Qantas to task
The Australian Nursing Federation has succeeded in their bid to employ extra staff and increase pay by up to 6......
Union Reaction To Leaked Construction Report
The latest construction industry productivity report by Econ Tech has been leaked before its due release. The Australian who ran......
Two sides to the wage rise
Aren’t wage rises meant to be a good thing? Apparently not when they aren’t high enough to make a difference......