Greens call for Senate Inquiry into Murray Darling Basin Authority report
As the debate intensifies over the Murray Darling Basin Authority draft plan, the Greens this week held a forum in......
Honey is Money
There’s been a steady buzz of rumours around an important feature of Australia’s agricultural industry. Beekeepers are worried about a......
Timber towers in cities of the future
Timber towers up to seven stories high could be a way to make cities more sustainable, according to researchers at......
Desert Fishing Lessons
The Murray river is the focus again this week with the release of the Murray Darling basin report, but Australia......
Forget polar bears – how climate change will impact on your health
A new report was released today into the impact of climate change on our health. Called The Critical Decade –......
Scientists say Coorong will cop it under new Murray-Darling plan
A new draft of the plan for the murray darling basin was released today, setting a much lower target for......
Communities taking power over their energy supply
A national energy conference in Melbourne has concluded with high hopes that Australia is on its way to use more......
The black rhino is extinct. What does this mean for us?
Today in Switzerland, the International Union for Conservation of Nature has oficially declared the black rhino extinct. What does this......
Is media to blame for climate change scepticism?
On Tuesday with a vote of 36 to 32, the government’s cleaner energy futures legislation finally became law. But is......
Foresters keen to get into bioenergy
Currently the native timber industry is locked out of the bioenergy market meaning they can’t use their waste products to......