A call for unity for the Murray Darling Basin Plan
Renmark in South Australia hosted the latest round of Murray Darling Basin Authority community consultations last week. People from all......
Up up up – State of the Climate Report says planet still warming
2010 was the hottest year on record and 13 of the world’s hottest years have all occurred in the past......
Signs promising solar energy rebate scheme will be reinstated, says expert
Leading representatives for the solar energy industry are currently lobbying parliamentarians to see the return of the recently dumped solar......
‘Cold war’ mindset prevents Australia joining China’s space push
China may send its first female astronaut into space this year, in a flight that’s expected to lay the groundwork......
Fukushima anniversary revives debate on nuclear power
Anti-nuclear events were held on the anniversary of Fukushima nuclear disaster across Australia on Sunday. Twelve months after the tsunami......
Scientist slams management of the Great Barrier Reef
A scientist that will meet with UNESCO later this week says the management of parts of the Great Barrier Reef......
Floods not unusual but ‘reason to fear’ climate shift may contribute
It’s been a very wet summer and some people have been looking to the skies and wondering if the deluge......
Expert warns Australians about GM wheat
Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini is a molecular biologist currently on a lecture tour of Australia. He warns that genetically modified wheat......
MDB plan on target says water expert
The decision to return water to the Murray river system has produced a lot of controversy and emotion over the......
Anger over ‘pay to pollute’ proposal for Great Barrier Reef
The Australian Government has proposed to charge a fee of 5 to 15 dollars for each cubic metre of dredging......