Doctors challenge immigration department
Today the Border Force Act comes into action. The act includes the threat of up to two years imprisonment for......
Should Labor back the Coalition’s boat turn-back policy?
Labor’s National Congress sets the party’s policy direction each year, and this year could mean which policies they will take......
A refugee close to death but the government’s bill survives
After 82 days on hunger strike a refugee man from Iraq fears he is close to death. He says he......
Fencing in Hungary
The Hungarian government’s announced a drastic new measure to reduce migration: a 4m high fence, spanning 175 km along the......
Australia: now open for people smuggling business
World refugee week started today, but got very little attention in Australia. Instead national conversation focused on whether the government......
Detention centre secrets
Early last Thursday morning, cloaked in darkness, immigration officials took a group of asylum seekers from the Melbourne Immigration Transit......
Myanmar’s new family planning laws target Rohingya people
During the past few months, thousands of refugees have been stranded at sea; moving aimlessly between Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia......
Boatloads of Bangladeshi refugees sent back by Indonesia
What is going on with the Rohingya and Bangladeshi refugees? Indonesia has accused Australia of abrogating our responsibilities and has......
Labor left pushes for policy turn around on asylum seekers
This week, Labor’s Left Faction announced that they were circulating a draft migration and refugee policy platform with a commitment......
Conditions on Nauru unchanged since inquiry
There were tense moments in parliament today as Transfield services, the company responsible for managing the asylum seeker detention centre......