NSW anti-protest laws a “threat to democracy”
Protesting is a democratic right – that’s the message activist groups and members of the public took to the steps......
Victorians demand CSG ban
As Victorian parliament resumed today, farmers and anti-coal seam gas activists rallied on parliament house steps to demand a total......
Premiers push to Let Them Stay
As people around the country rally in solidarity with those seeking asylum in Australia, state premiers have offered to give......
Online petitions on the rise, but just how effective are they?
Today an online petition and public uproar sparked the cancellation of the visa of a controversial ‘pick up artist’. The......
Redfern Aboriginal Tent Embassy claim housing victory
The Redfern Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Sydney has claimed a housing victory that will see an end to a 15......
Counter rallies planned against Reclaim Australia
Anti-Muslim group Reclaim Australia has sought to capitalise on the Paris terror attacks by holding rallies this weekend. Counter protests......
Roe 8 highway closer to construction
Last week in Perth almost two hundred people gathered to protest a highway extension across a large area of the......
Police infiltrate protest group to destroy mango tree
A spontaneous protest to save a mango tree in a Cairns park ended strangely on Tuesday, when a police officer......
Is there still a place for animals in scientific research?
Animal activists are calling for scientists to stop the use of non-human primates as laboratory animals and suggest use of......
Redfern Aboriginal Tent Embassy claim housing victory
The Redfern Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Sydney has claimed a housing victory that will see an end to a 15......