Is Orange the New Black?
Women entering prisons are some of the most disadvantaged in our society. Harsher law enforcement, stricter bail conditions, and heavy......
Access to Justice
The Law Council of Australia has identified thirteen key groups as facing significant hardship when accessing justice. The notion of......
Art helping indigenous offenders find their way
Indigenous prisoners are engaging with art as a form of rehabilitation in Victoria. Offenders, who can often feel isolated and estranged......
Doing time: indigenous children’s experiences in prison
Children as young as 10 years old can be jailed in Australia. For many, prison time will have a large and......
Australia’s prison population is growing
The prison population in Australia is at its highest recorded level. Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) shows......
Healing Centres could replace drug lockups in Queensland
With indigenous people now representing almost 28% of prison populations, many are calling the situation a crisis. However traditional prison......
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women 21 times more likely to be imprisoned
A damning report released today reveals the extent of over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in the prison......
Syria’s “Human Slaughterhouse” prison
A new report by human rights group Amnesty International has labelled the Saydnaya prison in Syria a “Human Slaughterhouse”, with up to......
Concerns raised over S.A prisoners accessing iExpress website
There has been both praise and concerns raised over the South Australian Ombudsman’s controversial decision to let prisoners access and......
Critics question need for another Indigenous inquiry
The Government will ask the Australian Law Reform Commission to conduct an inquiry into the over representation of Indigenous Australians in......