Mandatory sentencing for police killers
People who are convicted of killing police officers in New South Wales could be facing a mandatory life sentence if......
Power for police increased under anti terror laws
Attorney General Robert McClelland says that the changes to the anti terror laws- including the ability to search a house......
NSW Police launch Indigenous recruitment program
The NSW Police Force and Tafe NSW have today launched a program to help increase the number of Aboriginal police......
Taser death in NSW puts the weapon under the spotlight
A man has died in NSW after being hit in the chest with a Taser stun gun. Meanwhile in Western......
Taser trial suppressed by NSW Govt & Police
The roll-out of Taser stun guns to all frontline police in NSW was approved, despite serious problems in an official......
Police officers seek to delay disciplinary proceedings from Doomadgee investigation
Two policemen in Queensland are seeking a reprieve from disciplinary action for their bungled investigation of a death in custody.......
Palm Island report gives Queensland Police ultimatum
The Queensland Crime and Miscionduct commission today handed down a long awaited report into the Mulrunji Domadgee death in custody......
Police pursuits, a necessary evil?
Four people were killed on the week-end, after police pursued a speeding vehicle in the ACT. A young family was......
Victorian police have hit the spotlight again today after allegations they have been involved in bashings, and racially motivated targeting......
Conservative politician criticises police squads targeting ethnicities
John Ajaka, parliamentary secretary to Barry O’ Farrell, has criticized the special police teams such as the Middle Eastern Crime......