3 Detainees deported to Nauru
A new deal to deport three former immigration detainees in Nauru has faced backlash from human rights groups for undermining......
Australia named responsible for breaching human rights of asylum seekers
Last week, the United Nations Human Rights Committee handed down two landmark decisions that ruled Australia breached international human rights......
Behrouz documentary a window into Australia’s refugee detention system
A documentary on award-winning Kurdish journalist and writer Behrouz Boochani – who spent over six years in detention in Manus......
New Bill Proposes an End to Indefinite Offshore Detention
Earlier this Month Independent MP Andrew Wilkie introduced the Ending Indefinite and Arbitrary Detention 2022 bill to the house of......
Refugee Protests in Sydney adapt to COVID-19 Restrictions
Sunday 19th of July marked 7 years since the Australian Government introduced offshore detention on as the primary asylum seeker......
Future of Medevac hangs on Lambie
The future of the Medevac laws remains unresolved, with crossbencher Jacqui Lambie yet to be swayed on the government’s repeal......
Department of Home Affairs slammed for delaying, refusing medical transfers of asylum seekers
Maurice Blackburn Lawyers and the National Justice Project have slammed the Department of Home Affairs for delaying and refusing to......
Nauru elects former human rights lawyer as new President
A new president was chosen for the Pacific island nation of Nauru yesterday after an election was held last Saturday.......
Government sets up Medevac repeal fight
Parliament is set to return in a fortnight, and it appears the controversial medevac bill will be one of the......
Bleak Looking Future for Asylum Seekers Stuck on Manus and Nauru
Not long after the re-election of the Coalition government, there have been several suicide attempts by men held on Manus......