New media focus on Indian farmers’ dispute
The Modi government in India is still locked in a battle with the nation’s farmers over changes to market arrangements.......
Myanmar protests escalate after deaths
Today Myanmar appears headed into a full scale general strike in opposition to the military junta. At least two people......
Torres Straight Islanders pressure Morrison on climate action
A human rights complaint filed against the Australian Government by Torres Straight Islanders has received support at the United Nations.......
Blueprint aims to stop Australia’s slide in integrity ratings
New research lays out a blueprint for a more accountable system of government, at the same time as polling shows......
Kylie Moore-Gilbert released, but others still imprisoned overseas
Human rights advocates are celebrating the release of British-Australian academic Kylie Moore-Gilbert from jail in Iran, in what appears to......
New podcast explores treatment of refugees in Indonesia
In the 2020 Federal Budget it was announced that the government will continue to supply $41 million dollars to Indonesia......
The path going forward: 2020 US election
Celebrations broke out across the US yesterday when the Presidential Election was called for Joe Biden/Kamala Harris. Many took to......
Future uncertain as Myanmar goes to the polls
While voting continues in the United States, with former Vice-President Joe Biden seemingly poised to eke out a narrow win,......
USA Election – Voter Suppression and Supreme Court Conservative Bias
Trump is not an aberration but the end result of a “long game” by organised conservative American billionaire libertarians. Author......
UN Human Rights Committee to consider violations in Phillipines
President Rodrigo Duterte has led a brutal campaign against the drug trade, which has encouraged extra-judicial killings. But human rights......