Indigenous rights
Bark Petitions and the Lineage of Indigenous Recognition
In 1963 four bark petitions were signed by representatives of the Yolngu people of Yirrkala that would be a landmark......
Federal Court Bid to Lower Aboriginal Pension Age
A legal challenge was launched in the federal court in a bid to give Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander retirees......
Sacred Wiradyuri Women’s Site Set to be Destroyed on International Women’s Day
Central West NSW is the home of Australia’s Iconic motor sports venue, Mount Panorama. The site is also home to......
Australian Human Rights Record criticized in UN calls to Raise the Age
31 countries called for the Australian age of criminal responsibility be raised to 14 at The UN Universal periodic review (UPR)......
The ACT will increase criminal responsibility to age 14 in October
Yesterday, the Australian Capital Territory government has supported to raise the age of criminal responsibility from the age of 10......
High Court to hear native title appeal
The Federal Court of Australia concluded last year that native title holders had exclusive possession of beaches north of Broome,......
Protesters to use Commonwealth Games to highlight Indigenous issues
The Commonwealth Games are usually a time for the celebrating of sporting achievements, but this year it is also being......