The search for best technology to aid dementia sufferers
Communication comes naturally to every human and is essential for social connection. For people living with dementia, communication becomes increasingly......
How do Australia’s abortion laws stack up?
International Women’s Day is a time for everyone to champion change for the future, but it is also a time......
Changing PBS rules could save health budget millions
Australia spent just over $10 billion subsidising medicines on the Pharamaceutical Benefits Scheme in 2015-16. The list of drugs helps......
Organ Donation: Should Families have the last word?
Over 1400 Australians wait for their new chance at life, patiently praying for a miracle. Organ donation is a topic of controversy and......
A New Model for Remote Indigenous Health
For remote indigenous communities, a lack of access to healthcare services is a problem of growing concern. When governments fail......
Queensland a step further in removing ‘gay panic’ defence
The Legal Affairs and Community Safety committee passed down their recommendation on Tuesday that reforms should be made to Criminal......
Australian Government gives green light for medicinal cannabis cultivation
The Federal Government has today made it legal for Australian companies to import, sell and store marijuana for medicinal purposes.......
An apple a day…
Ultra anti-oxidants are good for fighting free radicals, which are involved in aging, energy and serious illness like pancreatic cancer,......
Mental illness stigma surrounds first responders
In light of the suicide of a federal police officer two weeks ago, many are speaking out about the stigma......
Soccer players heading for concussion
While it may not surprise some to hear of brain injuries as a result of sports such as boxing or......