The power of shields
A unique collection of Aboriginal shields is on display at the South Australian Museum from today until 22 May. Kaurna......
Creating more spaces for play
Children need to play and it’s not just for fun. Essential life skills are developed through an ability to navigate......
Offensive nudity or cultural practice?
A photo of two topless Aboriginal women practicing culture has been the source of fierce debate on Facebook this past......
“Noble savages”: politicians’ views on acceptable cultural practices
Federal Liberal backbencher Dennis Jensen outraged the ALP, Greens and many in the Indigenous community by referring to Aboriginal people......
Historical indigenous cave at risk
Despite local historical and cultural significance, and petitions signed by thousands of people, it seems that a housing development is......
Indigenous artefact display prompts call for their return
As the National Museum in Canberra today welcomes the British Museum’s collection of Indigenous Australian artefacts, once again critics are......
Book trails the literary art of ‘veiled speech’
Throughout Western history, there have been those who felt compelled to share a dissenting opinion on public matters, while still......
Emoji is the new dictionary star
Each year, language enthusiasts wait to see what Oxford Dictionaries decide will be its word of the year. Last year,......
The ongoing search for indigenous war heroes
A report released today by the Australian War memorial outlines just how extensive indigenous participation in war has been over......
Remembering Dunstan
Don Dunstan was an influential figure who influenced both political and social policy. His legacy lives on through ‘Remembering Dunstan’,......