Portraits of Australia’s colonial children
For children growing up in the 18th and 19th century Australia, life was tougher. Without the luxuries that come with......
The rise and fall of religion in Australian politics
With the downfall of Family First, will we ever see another organised, coordinated political force in Australia? As more people......
Is this the end of Facebook?
Facebook CEO and co-founder, Mark Zuckerberg is now facing the repercussions of an inquest into Facebook and its ties with......
Progressive Prince says Israeli’s have right to ‘Their Own Land’
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has claimed that Israel have right to their own land. With Saudi Arabia having a......
Making light of a dark future
How will Artificial Intelligence affect our lives? Will humans be redundant. Will our robots control us, even kill us? For ......
Not fracking good enough
The controversial process of fracking has had both its supporters and protesters over the years, and now its decision time......
ACCC launches legal action against fake ‘Aboriginal art’
An Aboriginal art wholesaler is facing legal action after it was revealed some of the companies ‘hand-crafted’ boomerangs, didgeredoos and......
Most Indigenous Languages come from a single Gulf group
A new study has found that the majority of Indigenous languages developed from a single language family around 5000 years......
Cambridge Analytica, Facebook data and privacy
Social media is an archive of humanity being updated by billions of people across the world in real time. The......
Gambling a key battleground in the SA election
Gambling has become a hot topic in the lead up to South Australia’s election on Saturday, with the Alliance for......