Community media votes too
In all the excitement about the new digital economy and the brave new media landscape community broadcasting is also looking......
Greens pledge support for community broadcasting
The Greens will work behind the scenes in the new government, and use what’s expected to be their balance of......
Neighbours outing of young male character
After over twenty years on our television screens, Neighbours is “outing” its first male gay character. While both Neighbours and......
Indigenous media – still shouting from the sidelines
Three government departments are currently reviewing indigenous broadcasting in this country. The last review by the Productivity Commission in 1999......
Indigenous Voice Project
As part of NAIDOC week, students from various universities in Queensland participate in the Indigenous Voice project, aimed at developing......
Digital switches on Mildura
Mildura in South Australia has today begun the roll-out of digital television across Australia. Glenn Milne said the locals were......
Farewell to Newmatilda
The internet was once hailed as the place where independent media could flourish and opinion and articles outside the markets......
Calls for Rudd to deliver on promises of free media
When the Rudd Government was elected, in 2007, it vowed to create a new era of openness and accountability in......
Herald Sun article puts public right to know in spotlight
The Herald Sun yesterday ran a front page story that declared that Victorian police were paying the private school fees......
Government tunes into need for Indigenous broadcasting
Indigenous voices will continue to reach audiences for another year, with Australia’s National Indigenous Television network securing $15.2 million in......