Caring for Country
A book launched this week has established the importance of Caring for Country as it challenges the public, policy makers......
“Antarctica: A Biography” – The fascinating story of the icy continent in a book
When we think of Antarctica we think of endless snow and ice and cold. But the earth’s southernmost continent has......
Iranian author tells story of torture and betrayal
Dr Kooshyar Karimi is an Irannian Jew whose life reads like a thriller. Kidnapped by the Iranian intelligence, tortured and......
Peoples or Populations? It’s all in the terminology
Current policies towards indigenous Australians, including the Northern Territory intervention, view Aboriginals as a ‘population’, with all the associated negative......
In the Mind of a Thief
Patti Miller was born in Wellington, in central western New South Wales. She says a dream told her to go......
Eat My Words – a memoir of politics, pig-outs and pickles
Mungo MacCallum has spent a lifetime as a political journalist. Since the seventies he’s been a fearless commentator on all......
The Future and #relatednonsense
Walkley award-winning journalist and broadcaster Antony Funnell presents the Future Tense series on ABC Radio National. Christopher Testa spoke to......
Guantanamo guard happy with Hicks book outcome
The case against former Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks which aimed to block him from receiving profits from his memoirs......
Dancing with the devil
The Catholic Church has been under the hammer lately, with yet more revelations of cover-ups of incidents involving paedophile priests.......
The Lone Protestor
British colonialism was fought by Indigenous people across Australia’s history, but the fight seldom found itself on the colonial’s doorstep.......