The Seven Sisters Dreamtime story – a global tale
Indigenous playwright, author and artist Cathy Craigie has been awarded the prestigious New South Wales Aboriginal Arts fellowship for 2016. ......
An arty solution to old age
The well-being of the elderly are often forgotten, with not a lot of ways for them to get out and......
Artlands 2016: A melting pot of country arts
Dubbo is hosting the 2016 Artlands Conference, with delegates from across Australia’s regional arts and culture programs meeting and sharing ideas.......
Arts sector puzzled by vocational course cuts
A range of visual and performing arts diplomas will no longer be funded after the government cracked down on the......
Alanya: Looking good in remote Australia
Warburton is an Aboriginal community of around 700 people in Ngaanyatjarra Lands, just south of the Gibson Desert in Western......
Future of Australia’s National Art School unsure
The future of one of Australia’s best art schools is in jeopardy. The National Art School (NAS) based in Darlinghurst......
Engaging teens in The Arts
Neo, a new program at the Art Gallery of South Australia, is providing young people aged 13-17 independent access to......
Stories of hope from refugees
Sydney-based artists from refugee backgrounds are working on a new multimedia social art project that aims to celebrate the survival......
The Great Red Whale: finding peace in Australia’s red centre
In his Calibre award winning essay The Great Red Whale, Michael Winkler describes his search for belonging in the midst......
Indigenous women reflect on their experiences in the arts
It’s NAIDOC week- a time to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander History, culture and achievements and an opportunity to......