Bats in Southeast Queensland getting bad rap.
Bats often get a bad name. The question is: are we crossing over the line, from being cautious of the......
Whales vs Oil rigs
Could whales be neighbours with oil platforms? Sure they can, if you asked Federal Resources Minister Martin Ferguson. He has......
Ethics of Culling Kangaroo’s
A new think tank at the Sydney-based Institute of Sustainable Futures plans to change the way Australians think about Skippy.......
Jumps racing faces more calls for bans
Animal welfare groups in Victoria are renewing their calls for a ban on jumps racing after a horse died at......
Open Season on Cane Toads
The federal government department of Environment Water, Heritage and The Arts has released the governments draft cane toad threat Abatement......
International community defends African elephants
Elephants living in Zambia and Tanzania may be pleased to know that calls for protection levels to be decreased have......
Australia’s most wanted gecko
A small, spiky reptile with a tiny knob for its tail – is on wildlife smugglers’ ‘most wanted’ list. Ellie......
International Whaling Commission proposal to end the ban on commercial whaling.
The Australian Government and conservation groups have fiercely opposed an International Whaling Commission proposal to end the ban on commercial......
Meat Ants the answer to our Cane Toad Problem
Native Meat Ants and cat food could be the solution in eradicating the scourge of the Australian environment- the Cane......
Camel cull to go ahead in Northern Territory
Animal rights groups have condemned the Northern Territory Government’s planned helicopter cull of over 6, 000 camels which have overrun......