Gangetic Dolphin under threat in polluted River Ganges
The diminishing population of the rare Gangetic Dolphin now faces an additional existential threat from a large scale water extraction......
Bushfires Impact on plants and animals – new report
The Wildlife and Threatened Species Bushfire Recovery Expert Panel, late last week, released a list of the 191 invertebrate and......
The link between atomic bombs and whale sharks
Leftover radiation from atomic bomb tests allow scientists to accurately date the age of many marine creatures, including the majestic......
Saving Wildlife: The work that goes beyond the headlines
The impact of recent bushfires on native animals has made headlines, with images of burned carcasses and koala hospitals grabbing......
Nest Box Habitats – How They Can Save Bushfire-Stricken Animals
The Australian Bushfires of 2019-2020 have left the nation burned and devastated not just for the people but the native......
New koala conservation strategy is top koala-ity
While Australian researchers have clarified that koalas are not ‘functionally extinct’, the koala population is still suffering from losses due to the......
Dead as a Dingo? Think again
In light of a recently published study, current New South Wales wild-dog management strategies need to be re-evaluated. The study......
Mangroves Perishing in the Northern Territory
Since 2015, mangroves on a thousand kilometres of the Northern Territories coastline have died. Sea levels and extreme heat are......
The Next Epidemic
The biggest medical threat we will face will be a Zoonotic infectious epidemic. SARS, Ebola, BirdFlu have all come from......
Cheese? Chilli? Perhaps A Sprinkle Of Ants With Your Pasta?
Last week the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change delivered a harrowing report, highlighting the impact our food waste is having......