Bird counting – a hoot for citizen scientists
Everybirdy is tweeting about National Bird Week, but how can you join in with the rest of the flock? Anyone......
The Australian Rhino Project
Despite continued conservation efforts, illegal poaching in South Africa has driven the Black and While Rhinoceros population to the brink......
NSW considers alternatives to shark culling
So far this year there have been 19 unprovoked shark attacks Australia-wide. The majority occurred in NSW which saw thirteen......
Mixed reactions to Biosecurity Bill
The 2015 Biosecurity Bill, which passed through the Upper House of NSW parliament last night, will give officers from the......
Is there still a place for animals in scientific research?
Animal activists are calling for scientists to stop the use of non-human primates as laboratory animals and suggest use of......
The push to kick out fur seals
The rapid growth in the number of long-nosed fur seals in south-eastern South Australia has provoked calls to cull the......
Live cattle export deal with China will export jobs
Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce has given the tick of approval to a live cattle export deal up to worth $2......
Australian birdlife in decline
BirdLife Australia has just released a major report on the past 15 years of bird activity across the country. It’s......
Numbats win, feral cats lose in threatened species strategy
A range of mammal, bird and plant species will receive special attention and feral animals will be targeted under the......
Is Indonesia’s cattle decision political payback?
Indonesia has shocked Australia by drastically cutting our live cattle imports by 80 per cent. The 250,000 cattle permits from......