Image: Bana Alabed from Twitter (@alabedbana)

UPDATE: Bana Alabed and Fatemah Alabed are confirmed alive in East Aleppo.

Since September of this year, seven year old Bana Alabed and her mother Fatemah Alabed have been uploading first hand accounts of life in Syria’s besieged East Aleppo.

Each post has garnered more and more attention, to the point where, when Bana’s mother Fatemah asked J.K Rowling for Harry Potter series – J.K Rowling obligingly sent her the downloadable versions of the books.

In the last week the Twitter account that Bana and Fatemah were using was deleted, but not before the Fatemah was able to post this message We are sure the army is capturing us now, We will see each other another day dear world. Bye’. 

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