Wages stealing from Aboriginal people by the Queensland Government went on until 1965

Stockmen often did not recieve pay

A systematic stealing of wages from indigenous people was in operation in Queensland at least from Federation right up to the 1960’s.

People from the remote missions were sent to work on stations basically for food, and then wages (negotiated by the AMWU at just 40% of the award) were supposedly held in trust by the Protector under the Queensland Aboriginal Protection act.

The only thing is, the Protector never paid this money back out to the people who earned it and it found its way into various public projects like hospitals in SE Queensland.

If you or any of your friends or relatives may have been affected, contact Bottoms English Lawyers in Cairns www.belaw.com.au Ph: 07 4041 1641 or check the website www.stolenwages.com.au and register for the class action.

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