Two spies cause havoc between Israel and New Zealand


In New Zealand two Israeli spies have been caught trying to get hold of a Kiwi passport and it’s blown up into a big diplomatic row. New Zealand has cancelled high level diplomatic relations and told Israel’s President not to both visiting next month. As for the two men in the middle of it all, Eli Cara and Uriel Kelman have both been sentenced to 6 months in jail and each have to give $50,000 to Cerebal Palsy charity because their target suffers from this condition. Brian Cloughley is a very experienced former member of the British and Australian Armies and writes extensively for the world media about defence issues. Jay Lamey spoke to him at his home in New Zealand to find out how these two spies managed to slip up and get themselves busted. The key question – why did four Israeli secret agents go to so much effort to get hold of a genuine passport when they could have easily forged themselves one?

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