The Great Southern Reef at risk with raising temperatures

A coral in the Great Southern Reef in WA. Image by John Turnbull on Flickr

When we think of warming ocean temperatures in Australia, we often think of the Great Barrier Reef in Queensland.

But many don’t know about the damages it could cause to the Great Southern Reef, which reaches all the southern coast of Australia, including Tasmania.

Story produced by Bella Goward, Grace Beech, Nikki Richardson, Isabella Sorensen, and Kala Wahono.

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Friday, June 24 2022
Produced By
Featured in storyMichael ‘Mick’ Baron – Dive instructor and biologistProfessor Craig Johnson - Marine Community Ecologist at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS)Senator Pete Whish-Wilson – Tasmanian Greens PartyGretta Pecl - Director of Centre for Marine Socioecology (CMS). IPCC Lead Author, Chair Redmap Australia

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