Prison Reform Advocates Call to Unlock Alternatives to Incarceration

Pexels: Ron Lach

Is Australia’s prison system really working? According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, figures from a year ago show more than 800 young offenders aged between 14 and 17 have spent a night in lockup.

At such a critical time in a young person’s development and self-discovery, how effective is juvenile detention and how can we directly target the root cause of the problem?

Here on The Wire, we take a deeper look at costs to both the individual and society, and explore alternative models of justice.  We also hear from a prison reform advocate about his time inside.




Sound FX: Pixabay

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Monday, August 5 2024
Produced By
Featured in story Dr Lukas Carey - Manager for Reintegration for OutCare and university academic, lived experience of incarceration Joseph Te Puni-Fromont - Founder of EsuarveRobert Tickner - Justice Reform Initiative Chairman Hannah March - SA’s Justice Reform Initiative Advocacy and Campaign Manager

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