PM’s $500 million Pacific promise unlikely to impress in the face of alarming climate change

Image credit: Wikimedia Commons Image URL:,_Funafuti,_2011._Tuvalu_is_a_remote_country_of_low_lying_atolls,_making_it_vulnerable_to_climate_change._Photo-_Lily-Anne_Homasi_-_DFAT_(12779656093).jpg

Today the Australian Prime Minister arrived in Tuvalu, a small island country to take part in the Pacific Islands Forum.

Yesterday Scott Morrison announced the Australian government would give $500 million of aid funding to the Pacific islands as part of the climate change and oceans funding package.

The money will be coming from  Australia’s existing aid funds over five years starting next year.

The Pacific Islands Forum’s aim is to help ensure the survival of the small Pacific nations experiencing the brutal effects of climate change, and the government says the aid money will help protect the area’s security and livelihoods.

While the money is welcome support to the islanders, people in Tuvalu are saying Australia should do more to combat climate change.

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