Is Norfolk Island being colonised by the Commonwealth?

Image: 'Hettieh Aklan' by Alexis Tavener on Youtube

Residents of Norfolk Island, a small settlement halfway between Australia and New Zealand claim their recent absorption into the Australian Commonwealth is an invasion.

Norfolk Islanders trace their roots back to the Pitcairn Islanders, a group of Royal Navy mutineers who were resettled on the island in 1856.

Norfolk has been self governed since 1979 and residents maintain they are the rightful owners of the land despite the recent Australian take over.

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Tuesday, November 29 2016
Produced By
Featured in storyAlexis Tavener, Norfolk Island high school student and filmmaker Jon Stanhope, Adjunct Professor at University of Canberra Dr Joshua Nash, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Behavioural, Cognitive and Social Sciences, University of New England

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