
A new documentary currently showing in Australia zooms in on the life of Cuban photojournalist Alberto Diaz or ‘Korda’ as he became known. Kordavision: A Cuban revelation, is the work of Hector Cruz Sandoval, an LA-based Mexican American documentary film maker who travelled to Cuba to cover the visit of Pope John Paul II in 1998. The visit opened his eyes about Cuba, a country which is barred to most Americans, and the role that Korda and his contemporaries had played in the early days of the revolution in selling the revolution to the masses. In 1961 Korda took the iconic photo of Latin American revolutionary Chez Guevara and it eventually was sent around the world and became a symbol of the Cuban revolution and revolutionary idealism in general. In Sydney for the Latin American film festival Hector Cruz Sandoval discussed the importance of Korda’s in showing him a different side of Cuba.

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