Gay marriage activists praise action in United Kingdom


The United Kingdom’s Equalities Minister Lynne Featherstone has announced the government is planning to allow civil partnership ceremonies between same-sex couples to be held in places of worship, as a stepping stone to marriage equality. The move has heartened gay rights activists who hope the example set by the UK will help Australia move forward in the struggle for equal rights.

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Friday, February 18 2011
Produced By Ellen-Maree Elliot
Featured in storyAlex Greenwich, National Convenor of Australian Marriage Equality; Assoc. Prof. Nicholas Tonti-Filipinni, from John Paull II Institute for the Study of Marriage and FamilyDorothy Broom, a Registering Officer for the Religious Society of Friends in Australia (commonly known as Quakers) Senthorun Raj, Senior Policy Advisor to the Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby

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