Farmers face economic brunt at ‘frontline’ of climate crisis

Image Unsplash: Hamish Weir

From mud to concrete in just weeks… This has been the experience reported by a farmer on NSW’s North Coast watching his farmland endure the impacts of fire, flooding and now, drought – and all at the hands of climate change.

This week, at the National Drought forum, Treasurer, Dr Jim Chalmers revealed climate change could cost Australia around $1.8bn in crop losses over three decades if instant action isn’t taken, acknowledging “our farmers are on the front line”.

This comes with the first review of the Future Drought Fund, highlighting both potentials of the fund along with need for improvements.

So, how are farmers on the ground managing the economic hits of climate crisis in the face of El Nino? What are some of the support programs being accessed and where is change needed?

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