Do the Australian media sensationalise suicide?


Saturday, September 10 is World Suicide prevention day. Ironically, earlier this week, a woman took her life, and a child lost theirs’, and other family members will always be scared. Reporting of this event made front pages, of newspapers and lead stories in news bulletins.

Investigations continue, however this tragedy has turned into a media frenzy, with coverage dominatingboth print and broadcast media in Brisbane, and extending nationally.   Follow up reports continue to take up considerable space in the days following.

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Friday, September 9 2011
Produced By Faith Valencia
Featured in storyMedia and Communications Consultant and Researcher at Griffith University Niels KraaierActing Program Manage for National Mainframe Media Initiative Mark BryantNational Patron Lifeline John BrogdenChair of the Australian Press Council Julian Disney

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