Disability advocate takes a stand for choice and control under NDIS

Image: 'wheelchair partially in the shadow' by Marcel Oosterwijk on Flickr

At the centre of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the right for people with a disability to decide on their own best interests and to have choice and control over their lives and the support they receive.

The NDIS is expected to reach almost half a million people by 2019 but since its roll out in July of this year  it has received criticisms including  the potential of $22 billion  in blow out costs and reports that the scheme is failing to take into account the needs of carers.

There’s not enough support for disabled people in Australia says Vicki Lovegreen, disability advocate. She is critical of the NDIS for its bureaucracy, which is keeping her and her husband from moving into their new home in Newcastle, New South Wales.


You can find out more about Vicki’s fight for choice and control here




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Monday, December 12 2016
Produced By
Featured in story Vicki Lovegreen, Disability Advocate Necta Minas, Manager of Disability Advocacy at the NSW Trustee and GuardianProfessor Gwynnyth Llewellyn, Director of the Centre for Disability Research and PolicyRobert Zoa Manga, Co- Director of My Voice

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