Controversy over introduction of independent assessors to access the NDIS


Last week, the Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Stuart Robert made the announcement that the current system assessing eligibility requirements for NDIS funding packages will be undergoing an overhaul through implementing recommendations from the Tune Review.

This includes the introduction of a panel of medically trained independent assessors appointed by the federal government, who will decide with consistency and equity if Australians with complex, permanent and significant disabilities can receive objective and unbiased supports without having to collect and gather evidence or be burdened with paying for individualised plans and funding.

Some disability activists and advocates have criticised this decision, saying that NDIS applicants and participants will be prohibited from having choice and control with the National Disability Insurance Agency’s decision-making processes, while others are fearful that this standardised testing system/model will render many disabled people ineligible for the scheme.

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