Image: 'Artefacts found at the Randwick site' by Tocomwall

The traditional custodians of the land where a Sydney Light Rail tramyard sits, say they have been repeatedly denied access to the more than 24,000 artefacts recovered from the site.

Archaeologists say it could have been one of the first sites of resistance against European colonisers, a campsite connected to Indigenous justice traditions and a repository where 30,000 additional remains might further prove trade connections around the country.

It’s been almost a year since the federal government decided the find was not a ‘significant aboriginal area’ and wasn’t worth preserving.

But Bidjigal elders disagree and they want access to the objects that tell the stories of their people.

Interviews with Scott Franks and David Shoebridge were produced by Nicole Stern and presented by Nic Healey.

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