Baroness Greenfield on the Science – Media friction


Baroness Greenfield is one of the world’s most famous thinkers. She is a member of the British House of Lords, a Professor of Pharmacology, Senior Research Fellow at two Oxford Colleges and head of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. In addition to her medical research, which focuses on Degenerative Brain Diseases, she is very active in bringing science into the mainstream media and promoting it to a broad audience. Jay Lamey spoke to her about this issue. Baroness Greenfield explains that it is very important for people to be informed about science because science now drives out lifestyles, in choosing what we eat, how we travel, how we live and how children are raised. Many hot-button political debates hinge on science aswell, such as gene research, and Baroness Greenfield believes that to fully participate in out modern society a fuller understanding of science is required.

Royal Institution of Great Britain
Adelaide Thinkers in Residence
Profile on Baroness Greenfield – Women in science

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