Tuesday, 6 May 2008 Wednesday, 7 May 2008 Thursday, 8 May 2008
APY abuse – shocking, but not news
The Aboriginal lands in the north of South Australia , the Anangu-Pitjijjanjara or APY lands , made headlines across the country…
The Khmer Rouge – Forgive But Never Forget?
With the Khmer Rouge communist regime’s genocide trials underway in Cambodia, a Cambodian-Australian filmmaker decided it was time…
Clinton closes the gap in US primaries
As the US primaries hit the final leg, even wins for Barrack Obama and Hilary Clinton in the states of…
Are Australian taxpayers prepared to pay for maternity leave?
A proposed six month paid maternity leave scheme has come under scrutiny at a Productivity Commission inquiry in Canberra today…
Former NSW Premier Bob Carr says he’s no longer a socialist
Retired politicians don’t generally fade away…. they write their memoirs. Former Premier of NSW Bob Carr has written a…