Ken Wyatt pledges Indigenous constitutional recognition within three years
In Australia’s current constitution, Aboriginal’s and Torres Strait Islanders are not even mentioned in it, nor are they…
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Nicki Minaj Declines to perform at Saudi Concert
World Jeddah Fest is a music festival that will be held this July in Jeddah, Saudia Arabia.
However, one of…
Stolen Wages Settled But The Impact Is Everlasting
Today the Queensland Government agreed to pay back $190 million of stolen wages in an historic class action law suit…
Senators Demand Investigation into Murray Darling Basin Funds
On Monday, July 8, Four Corners released their latest report Cash Splash surrounding new allegations about the Murray Darling Basin…
More than a ‘positive spin’ needed to solve homelessness
Homelessness in Australia continues to rise despite the new Federal Assistant Housing Minister yesterday downplaying the seriousness of the problem…