Monday, 8 March 2010 Tuesday, 9 March 2010 Wednesday, 10 March 2010
West Papua discussions harmful to Australian-Indonesian relationship
Human Rights groups are calling for Kevin Rudd to raise talks on the situation in West Papua as the Indonesian…
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Is Tony Abbott the latest champion for women’s rights?
On International Women’s Day Tony Abbott announced his maternity leave policy- one that is much more generous than the…
Mike Rann promises to give defendants’ criminal histories to juries
South Australian Premier Mike Rann has announced that if reelected, his government will amend the 1921 Evidence Act and provide…
New Drug on the Party Scene – Miaow
In the UK, over the last 3 months 180 students in one high school were forced to take sick leave…
Australian author denied visa on HIV grounds
Australian author Robert Dessaix has criticised the Chinese government over a visa denied to him on the grounds that he…