Monday, 7 November 2011 Tuesday, 8 November 2011 Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Carbon pricing package becomes law
The clean energy bills passed through the senate today, bringing the carbon pricing package into law. The carbon price will…
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Eurozone crisis continues – now it’s Italy
The future of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi currently hangs in the balance, with rumours swirling that he has lost…
Sydney activist detained in Israel attempting to break Gaza siege
Michael Coleman, a social worker from Sydney, is one of 20 international activists being held in an Israeli prison. Activists…
Sydney’s water shame
One of Australia’s largest water Utilities has been accused of also being one of the largest polluters. The Sydney…
Crikey founder calls for government regulation of press
Due to appear before the government’s Independent Media Inquiry, shareholder activist and Crikey founder Stephen Mayne speaks with The…