Monday, 7 July 2008 Tuesday, 8 July 2008 Wednesday, 9 July 2008
Lawyers say hysteria surrounding Queensland sex offender is dangerous
The hysteria surrounding Queensland sex offender Dennis Ferguson has has reached new heights, forcing him to move house three times…
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New bottled water aims to save third world nations
There are currently 1 billion people around the world without access to clean water. This statistic inspired a former marketing…
Oxfam demands Kevin Rudd focus on food prices at G8
Oxfam has called for Kevin Rudd to apply a “blow torch” to food prices at the G8 summit in Hokkaido…
Indigenous communities overlooked in the Garnaut report
Human rights commissioner Tom Calma has accused Professor Garnaut of a grave omission in his draft report on climate change…
Sodomy charges highlight plight of homosexuals in Malaysia
The main opposition leader in Malaysia, Anwar Ibrahim, has overcome potentially politically damaging accusations of sodomy – leading thousands in a…