Monday, 22 June 2009 Tuesday, 23 June 2009 Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Filibustering the emissions trading scheme
The Opposition is likely to prolong the debate on emissions trading in an effort to delay the vote this week…
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French President condemns the Burqa
French President Nicholas Sarkozy has condemned the wearing of the Burqa as unacceptable in French society. Addressing both chambers of…
Government Switches off Bushlight
Five hundred kilometres is a pretty long way to drive to get petrol but that’s how far many Indigenous…
Greens attack anti-terror laws
Greens senator Scott Ludlam wants the Government to remove the most draconian of the Howard-era anti terror laws. He…
Is the threat of North Korea making Japan an aggressive power in the region?
Japan is considering boosting military personnel and equipment amid growing regional tensions. That’s according to Kyodo news – a non…