Monday, 20 March 2006 Tuesday, 21 March 2006 Wednesday, 22 March 2006
Harmony day in Redfern
Well, it’s Harmony Day – the Australian Government’s friendly name for what the UN deems International Day for the…
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Howard’s online apology mysteriously disappears
A web site porporting to represent John Howard recently invited its readers to witness a once in a lifetime speech…
$700,000 to go down the gurgler as NSW gets tougher on crime
The NSW Government is notorious in Australia for is get tough on crime approach. And the latest statement from Premier…
Australian states consider a charter of rights
Human Rights activists have expressed support for a NSW government plan to set up a “charter of rights”, which would…
More detail on the new IR regime, set to start on Monday
The Australian Democrats have claimed that the federal government’s workplace changes will hurt Australian workers while failing to provide…