Monday, 10 May 2004 Tuesday, 11 May 2004 Wednesday, 12 May 2004
Call for a Stop to Torture of Iraqi Prisoners
As images of the torture of Iraqi prisoners are splashed across media throughout the world, Amnesty International calls for the…
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Arrest Warrant for Wiranto
An arrest warrant for one of Indonesia’s most senior military figures has been issued for crimes committed against the…
Call for the Release of Iranian Writer Siamak Pourzand
Siamak Pourzand is an Iranian intellectual, and former head of the Tehran Artistic and Cultural Centre who was arrested in…
Climate Change Tour
Our government may still be wrangling over the ifs, buts and hows of climate change, but many countries are already…
Biological Wear-Fair
At the end of Sydney Fashion week, the Mekanarky studios declared a war on fashion – hosting the only Fashion week…