Wednesday, 26 May 2004 Thursday, 27 May 2004 Friday, 28 May 2004
Federal Goverment bans Same Sex Marriage and Adoption
The Federal Government today rushed legislation into parliament than bans same-sex marriage and international adoption. Their only concession to…
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Stories from Sorry Day
For much on the twentieth century half-caste aboriginal children were taken from their families and raised in missions, orphanages…
Zany Tales from the World of the Wire
Have you ever wondered where news rooms around Australia get their stories from? Well most journlaists will admit one of…
Bring Back the Non-Violence
Mahatma Ghandi went down as one of histories greatest men for pioneering the principle of non-violence. Today his message…
Yoga doesn’t only bring Inner Peace…
The Life Foundation uses Dru Yoga as a de-traumatisation technique for people living in conflict zones around the world…