Wednesday, 1 October 2014 Thursday, 2 October 2014 Friday, 3 October 2014
Parliament’s burka rule provokes heated reactions…
In a quick decision, Parliament has introduced new security measures forcing burka wearers to sit in a separate glass viewing…
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Hijabs in solidarity
Hundreds of non-Muslim women in Australia are donning the hijab for a week and posting it on social media…
“Help Stop Ebola” Liberian Australians chanting the streets this week.
Many Liberians are rallying across Australia this week to raise awareness on the current Ebola epidemic in West Africa. The…
Whitegate residents not backing down
Whitegate, the Alice Springs town camp that is under pressure to disband, with water and power cut off, is not…
A doctor’s dream
When Dr Buddhi Lokuga was employed to roll out a ‘Farewell Scabies’ program in the NT he quickly found local…