Wednesday, 10 September 2014 Thursday, 11 September 2014 Friday, 12 September 2014
US moves into Syria to ‘destroy ISIL’
United States President Barack Obama vowed to hunt down IS terrorists ‘wherever they exist’, including moving military operations into Syria…
Minister Scott Morrison announces immigration policy backflip…
Minister for Immigration Scott Morrison plans to use Temporary Protection Visa’s to resettle asylum seekers on Australia’s mainland…
OzAsia Festival Art Exhibition – ‘Placement Displacement Replacement’
Artists in Adelaide’s ‘OzAsia Festival’ are exploring issues about change in the new exhibition ‘Placement Displacement Replacement’. The exhibit…
Community TV told to prepare for the end
Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced yesterday that community television will have to move off the ‘sixth channel ‘ it currently occupies…
Australia keeps silent to the desperate call for medical staff in West Africa
The fear of Ebola virus hits Queensland residents today as a suspected case was report at the Gold coast university…