Wednesday, 04 August 2021 Thursday, 05 August 2021 Friday, 06 August 2021
$1 Billion for Closing the Gap implementation plan
Priority reforms for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander services and outcomes have received $1 Billion in Federal funding.
The implementation…
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Coping with COVID when you don’t quite understand
COVID-19 and its associated lockdowns have caused stress for most people. Changes to routine, learning new behaviours and wearing…
At a Glance: the stories of the day
Federal government announces Reparation for Stolen Generations; Superfires; disbaility and lockdown; indigenous census needs more data to be effective…
A country ablaze: Canada’s wildfires continue to burn
Canada is facing one of its worst bushfire seasons on record with almost 400 wildfires still burning throughout the country…
Call for Indigenous to partake in Census 2021
The Australian Bureau of Statistics are about to commence Census night on Tuesday 10 August, with hopes to find important…