Friday, 4 November 2011 Monday, 7 November 2011 Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Economists criticise bipartisan budget surplus obsession
Worsening economic conditions are making it more difficult for the government to get the budget back into surplus. But today…
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The African story about more than just famine: Kenyan journalist
When Africa made the headlines in Australia recently, the stories have been about famine. Such was the case during the…
Fijian trade unionists jailed again
Last week two leaders from the Fiji Trades Union Congress were arrested. It’s not the first time they’ve…
Too many Indigenous youth in the criminal justice system condemned
2011 Legal Justice Award recipient John Mackenzie has condemned the lack of action on Aboriginal deaths in custody, saying that…
Kevin Rudd silent on West Papua’s surge of violence
There’s recently been a number of violent incidents in West Papua. It’s a part of Indonesia that has…