Friday, 18 July 2008 Monday, 21 July 2008 Tuesday, 22 July 2008
The lights go out in the Big Brother house
Big Brother will hold it’s last eviction tonight, forever. Channel Ten has decided to dump the program after plummeting…
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Australian big business slow on diversity
The Diversity Council of Australia has called on big business to follow the lead of companies Merrill Lynch and IBM…
Ex-prisoners some of our most vulnerable citizens
Almost half the prisoners leaving incarceration in NSW will end up back in prison within two years. According to the…
Amnesty International calls for pressure on Iran over death penalty
In the last 30 years reports of human rights abuses in Iran have been consistent in their documentation of brutality…
Study from video games reveals racsim against Muslims
A new study has revealed that Australians are prejudiced against Muslims, even if they don’t think of themselves as…