Friday, 15 June 2007 Monday, 18 June 2007 Tuesday, 19 June 2007
Calls for gun ban following fatal shooting in Melbourne
The search for a gunman loose in Melbourne’s CBD continues tonight, after one man was shot dead and two…
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Concern over developments in Palestinian Territories
The Palestinian Territories remain in a state of complete upheaval. Last week saw the President Mamoud Abbas sack the democratically…
Former Palestinian Information Minister blames withholding of funds
A short time ago The Wire spoke with Dr Mustafa Barghouti. He was elected to the Palestinian parliament representing the…
Indigenous child abuse report
A long running inquiry has found that sexual abuse is rampant in almost every Indigenous community in the Northern Territory…
$45 million boost in mental health funding to go to community projects
In a win for mental health services… today the sector received a boost of more than 45 million dollars in…